I was recently gifted a vibrant work of art by our pastor’s 4-year-old daughter Elena, and between it hanging beside my calendar and the bursting fall colors that surround us I have found myself reflecting on the very serious topic of crayons.
OK, they probably aren’t in your top ten priorities NOW, but once upon a time they were pretty important. I’d bet that most of us can remember back to school day, and how nice it was to have a brand-new box of crayons. They’d be all lined up in that sturdy little cardboard box, tips sharpened to fine precision points, all in order, labeled with a small piece of snug fitting paper and just waiting to create masterpiece works for prominent display on refrigerator door galleries.
Mine never stayed that way for long. In almost no time the little wrappers would be torn off, the points worn down, and entire crayons broken in half. I colored intensely.